Friday, April 7, 2023


Both major political parties in the United States have their political extremes. The liberal Democrats have the progressives to their left and the conservative Republicans have the reactionaries to their right. That is not a bad thing in and of it self because the political extremes have an important role to play in the deliberative processes of government. They frame the discussion on any political issue at any given time much the way buoys frame the channel on our waterways. Sometimes the channel is narrow and sometimes it is wide. But if you know anything about ships or sailing you know that the safest course for a ship or boat to follow is in the middle third of the channel no matter how wide or narrow it is. You also know that if you are steering that ship or boat you will steer toward one side or the other of that middle third of the channel depending on which way you are going. And you certainly know that the most dangerous course to follow is along either edge of the channel because it is far too easy to be pushed out of the channel by forces beyond your control (i.e. the wind, the current, mechanical failure, etc.); and if that happens you will very likely run aground or wreck on a reef and sink. 

These same maritime principles apply to the deliberative processes of government. The safest course for the Ship of State to follow is in the middle third of the channel framed by the political extremes. And yes, it will steer to one side or the other of that middle third depending on which was it is going. And, as in the maritime example, the most dangerous course for the Ship of State to follow is along either edge of the channel framed by the political extremes because it can be pushed out of that channel far too easily by forces beyond its control (i.e. war, economic collapse, civil unrest, etc.) where it will most certainly end in disaster.

Unfortunately, the political extremes today have lost sight of their role. I believe this is primarily an educational problem. We have stopped teaching our children how our government was designed and intended to work. We have also stopped teaching them how to think for themselves. This knowledge vacuum has been filled with the ever present, competitive, win-lose, business model.  As a result, the political extremes now believe theirs is the only course that can and should be followed by the Ship of State and they seem to be prepared to scuttle and abandon the Ship of State if they don’t get their way.

Someone needs to enlighten today’s political extremes regarding their role in the deliberate processes of government;  and if they choose not to accept that role they should be removed from the political process and replaced with people who share their views but understand  their role and are willing to accept and respect it. It’s too bad none of our political leaders appear to have the guts to confront the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Marjorie Taylor Greene.



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