If I heard
that once, I heard it a thousand times. “You can’t have your cake and eat it,
too.” It was one of my mother’s favorite expressions; and it was my
introduction to the concept of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is not bad behavior. There
are no norms, rules or laws that prohibit it. It is just ignorant behavior
because it defies logic and logic is one of the cornerstones of human
intelligence. Hypocrisy is holding two mutually exclusive ideas at the same time, which you can't reasonably claim to do. Mutually exclusive means if you have one you can’t have the
other. They cancel each other out. So, no reasonable person is going to believe you or take you seriously if you are being hypocritical.
If you eat
your cake, you don’t have the cake anymore. You ate it. It’s gone. Having your
cake and eating it are mutually exclusive. That makes claiming you can have your cake and eat it, too, hypocritical.
You can’t
claim you are against abortion because you believe in the sanctity of human life
and then support capital punishment and expect any rational person to believe
you actually care about the sanctity of all human life.
You can’t
claim you support the freedom of speech because you believe it is essential to
preserve our democratic republic and then shame and persecute other people
who say things that don’t meet your standards of “political correctness” and
expect any rational person to believe you actually care about anyone’s freedom
of speech but your own.
Holding and expressing
mutually exclusive beliefs makes you a hypocrite and being a hypocrite is
There is a
lot of hypocrisy going around in the United States these days, on both sides of
the political divide. I blame this widespread ignorance on what has been called
the Dumbing Down of America. It has been deliberate. It has been systematic,
And, it has been going on for almost four decades. Back in the day, when I went
to school, we were taught how to think... because our parents and our
government wanted us to grow up to be independent, responsible citizens and you
can’t be an independent, responsible citizen if you can’t think for yourself. That
has been gradually changing and today, under the guise of “standards-based
education”, young people are taught what corporate America wants them to know -
and nothing else - because corporate America wants our children to grow up to be
predictable consumers who can be easily manipulated into buying stuff they
don’t need with money they don’t have so that the 1% of Americans who control
almost all the wealth in the United States can accumulate even more wealth.
The good news
is ignorant and stupid are two different things. Hypocrisy is ignorant, but you can fix ignorant with learning.
You can’t fix stupid.
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