Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Sick of the bad behavior in Washington? Tired of having your concerns and needs ignored? Want to tell the politicians and the new generation of Robber Barons who own them, in terms they will understand, that you have had enough of their self-serving, manipulation of our government and that you are ready to stand up and defend our democracy no matter what the cost? Then join the PRESIDENT’S DAY WEEKEND SHOPPING BOYCOTT.

NO SHOPPING from 12:01 AM, Saturday, February 17th to 12:00 Midnight, Monday, February 19th, 2018. You can buy essentials - food, medicine, gasoline for your car and fuel to heat your house, but nothing else. No motor vehicles, no large appliances, no small appliances, no furniture, no electronics, no clothes, no sports equipment, no cosmetics, no toys – nothing. If you absolutely have to buy something, buy if from a locally owned small business. No big box stores. No malls. No chain stores or franchises. And no on-line purchases.

Choosing to do this on President’s Day Weekend is both symbolic and practical. It is symbolic in the sense that the two Presidents we honor that weekend, Washington and Lincoln, would be proud to see Americans stand up in defense of the democracy they helped create. It is practical in the sense that this is a huge sales weekend that big corporations count on to meet their profit goals, so not shopping this weekend will have a much greater impact on their bottom lines than not shopping some other time.

You don’t need to sign anything. You don’t need to send any money to anyone. If you want to do this, "like" this page so we know we're not alone, share this post with every like-minded person you know, and ask them to share it with every like-minded person they know. Then just DON’T SHOP ON PRESIDENT’S DAY WEEKEND.

Imagine the impact it will have if this post goes viral and just half the people who did not vote for Donald Trump in the last election (around 35 million people) DO NOT SHOP on President’s Day Weekend. Do the math. 35 million people, who might otherwise spend an average of $200 each that weekend, don’t spend that money. That’s 7 BILLION $$$$$ of our money the new Robber Barons won’t get. I’m pretty sure they will notice a 7 BILLION $$$$$ shortfall. Oh, they’ll probably lie about it and say they had the “best President’s Day Weekend ever” to try to discourage us from doing something like this again, which, of course, we will. But they will notice and they will start to worry because they will understand the message:

We, the American people, have the power to control the flow of money in this country. We gave you that power and you abused it. Now we’re taking it back and we’re going to keep it until you give us back our government.

Yes, it will require some sacrifice. You won’t be able to take advantage of the great President’s Day sale prices. So, ask yourself, what is more important, getting a bargain or defending our democracy and the promise of “freedom and justice for all” it represents?

Spread the word and join the PRESIDENT’S DAY WEEKEND SHOPPING BOYCOTT, 12:01 AM, Saturday, February 17th to 12:00 Midnight, Monday, February 19th, 2018.


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