Donald Trump is no longer President of the United States of America, but Tumpism is not dead. It still dominates the Republican Party and Trump’s loyal base would still defend and support him if he “shot someone on Fifth Avenue.” Understanding Trumpism, where it came from and what it is all about, is essential if we hope to deal with it and dealing with it is essential if we hope to unite our country.
Trumpism is the backlash
to The Browning of America. It is the response by tens of millions of white
Americans to the realization that people of color are rapidly gaining power in
this country and the fear that if they become the majority they could and would
use their power to treat white Americans the way white Americans have treated them
for centuries.
Not convinced? Answer
these three questions for yourself:.
What would cause millions of decent, church going Christians to abandon the
teachings of their faith and support a man who is the personification of all
Seven Deadly Sins – Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride – plus being a liar, a cheat and a thief?
What would cause millions of hard working rural and blue collar Americans to
ignore their values and support the kind of man they have never really liked,
respected or had any use for – a rich, rude, loud mouth, womanizing, draft
dodging, elitist from New York City who never got his hands dirty doing an
honest day’s work in his life and thinks he is smarter and better than everyone
What would cause thousands of Americans from all walks of life, who have lived
normal lives under both Democratic and Republican Presidents, to feel so
desperately afraid that they will lose their freedom and their country if
Donald Trump isn’t their President that they would attack the Capitol of the
United States and threaten to kill the Vice President and members of Congress
in order to reverse the results of an election Donald Trump clearly lost.....something
that no Americans have ever done, not even during the Civil War?.
My answer to all three
of these questions is FEAR, - fear of The Browning of America coupled
with the belief that Donald Trump would stop it from happening. Nothing else explains
the kind of behavior we have been seeing from so many people who have never
behaved this way before.
It is important to
understand that not everyone who voted for Donald Trump in this past election
is part of the backlash. The reactionary, right wing extremists who believe the
USA is a white Christian nation were here long before Donald Trump. They
supported him because his words and deeds enabled and legitimized their cause. Many
of the wealthiest Americans supported him because they profited during his
administration, directly or through the Stock Market. Other Americans believed
they could advance their careers by riding the Trump Train. Then there are the
millions of Americans of all races, religions and sexual orientations who are
zealous partisans, including both those who have become disillusioned with the
Democratic Party and will never vote for a Democrat again and those who have never
voted for a Democrat in their life and never will, no matter what.
It is the tens of
millions of people who make up Donald Trump’s loyal base that are the core of
this backlash. They are the people who believe that the “end justifies the
means”, fear The Browning of America, and trust Donald Trump to stop people of
color from gaining any more power in this country. Now that Donald Trump
doesn’t have the power to stop The Browning of America they are even more
So, how did we get to
this place of extreme partisanship, rancor, and divisiveness?
Following the 1970
Census, it was noted that the demographics in the United Stated were shifting
and it was predicted that a time would come, probably in the early 21st century,
when white Americans would no longer be the majority in this country. This demographic
shift was labeled The Browning of America. Americans who saw the USA as a huge melting
pot and considered our diversity to be our greatest strength as a nation didn’t
really have a problem with that prediction. Americans who saw the USA as a
white, Christian nation, probably because it was founded by white Christians
and had been governed by white
Christians ever since, tended to think the prediction was ridiculous and would
never happen. As you might imagine, the idea of The Browning of America prompted
a great deal of heated discussion and wild speculation about how the country
would react to such a demographic shift and the resulting shift in power if and
when it were to happen.
Note: I can’t remember
or find a reference to who originally made this prediction or coined the phrase
The Browning of America, but I was there in the early 70s, in Washington D.C, working
as Communications Director for the National Drug Abuse Training Center created
by President Nixon’s Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention and I was
directly involved in the heated discussion and wild speculation.
In 2016, after we had
elected a black man President – twice - and he had served his two terms with
distinction, tens of millions of Americans, suddenly realized that The Browning
of America was not just some scholarly, demographic exercise, but was really
happening and they were terrified by that realization.... terrified that people
who are not like them – people of color, primarily, but also people with
different religious beliefs, sexual orientations and cultural backgrounds – would
soon have sufficient power, especially if they became the majority in this
country, to do to white Americans what white Americans have been doing to them for
hundreds of years.
Donald Trump tapped into
this deep-seated fear during his 2016 presidential campaign when he said he was
going to Make America Great Again. The people who feared The Browning of
America understood him to mean he was going to take the country back to a time
when white Americans held all the power in this country and everyone else knew
and stayed in their place. Then, on his first day in office as President,
Donald Trump doubled down on the MAGA
theme by falsely proclaiming, and then insisting contrary to actual
fact, that more people had attended his
inauguration than had attended Barack Obama’s inauguration. This said to his
supporters, “I am white, just like you, and we are better in every way than that
black man, even if he did get elected President.“ Trump then proceeded to undo
everything Barack Obama had done during his two terms in office, which convinced
his supporters that he was, in fact, their savior from The Browning of America.
Donald Trump, con man
that he is, then began to convince his supporters that liberals, and
particularly white liberals (snowflakes), under the guise of seeking equality,
were actually conspiring with people of color and other minorities to gain
favor with them when they became the majority. That made liberals and their
Democratic Party, especially in the eyes of Donald Trump’s supporters who
consider the USA a white, Christian nation, not only the enemy, but traitors to
their race and their country. This is where we are now. Warnings about encroaching socialism are just a diversion intended to distract people from focusing on what is actually going on.
How do we quell this
backlash and unite the country?
To be fair, history
provides some justification for the fear driving this backlash. We’ve all seen or
read about the lie of revolution – people rising up against those in power to “change
the system”, only to discover when they succeeded that they didn’t really want to
change the system. They just wanted to control it; and they controlled it with
the same repressive measures the people they overthrew had used. Fortunately, our
revolution in 1776 is one of the few examples where that did not happen. We did
change the system. We replaced a monarchy with a democratic republic and,
despite the struggles and challenges we have faced, we have been steadily
working toward “a more perfect union”, which has made us the envy and the
leaders of the free world. People of color and other minorities don’t want
retribution, even if they eventually become the majority. They just want
equality - equal opportunity and equal justice under the law. Their demands for
a fair shot at the American Dream are no different from similar demands for
equality we have faced in the past (i.e. the abolishment of slavery, women’s
suffrage, the labor movement, the New Deal, civil rights, voting rights, gay
marriage, etc.) We struggled with each
of these demands, but eventually assimilated them into the mainstream and none
of these advances toward “a more perfect union” deprived anyone else of their shot
at the American Dream. They just made the basic principle on which our nation
was founded, equality, a reality for more people and they made our country
Unfortunately, by stoking this fear and fueling this backlash, Donald Trump has not only further divided our country; he has taken over the Republican Party. The majority of people who voted for Donald Trump this year voted for him, not for the Republican Party. All the other Republican politicians who have supported and enabled him over the past four years, and continue to support Trumpism, obviously feel they need Trump’s loyal base to remain in office and they have willingly become Donald Trump’s whores to achieve that end. Nothing is going to change in this country until we address the fear that is driving this backlash to The Browning of America.
Nobody is talking about this fear, even though it has been lurking in the shadows for a decade and is in the back of the minds of tens of millions of Americans. It is the “elephant in the room”. It is not going to go away and we are not going to unite this country until we recognize it, talk about it and put it to rest by finding ways to assure all Americans that The Browning of America is not going to deprive them of their rights or their freedom under the law.
Hopefully, the shocking
and unprecedented events of the past several months will remind us all that democracy
is not a winner-take-all game. It is real life and it is about inclusion,
dialog, negotiation and compromise. Government in a democratic
republic is not about the power of its leaders. It is about serving the needs
of its citizens. Rock and Roll legend Mick Jagger probably didn’t fully
realize the significance of what he was saying when he sang, “You can’t always
get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what
you need.” That’s the best description I’ve ever heard of a functioning
democracy and we can have that again here in the United States if we stop
thinking about what each of us wants all the time and start thinking about what
we all need. Only then can we work together to find ways to make sure we all
get what we need.